Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Choreographed by:Wendy Teh, Malaysia (Nov 10)
Music:Best Of Both Worlds by Hannah Montana
Descriptions:PH count - Intermediate level line dance

Intro: Start after 8 counts
Sequence: Tag 1, A, B, Tag 1, A, B, Tag 2, A(32), A(44) Hold 2 counts, B, B, Ending
Section A (48 counts)
Step R Fwd, L Kick Ball Point, R Sailor Step, L Sailor ¼ L Turn, Kick R
1,2&3step R fwd, kick L fwd, step L in place, point R out
4&5step R behind L, step L slightly L, step R to R
6&7step L behind R ¼ L turn, step R slightly R, step L to L (9.00)
8kick R to R diagonal
Flick ¼ L Turn, Bump 2x, ¾ L Turn, L Coaster Step, Lock Step Fwd
1,2&3flick R behind ¼ L turn, step R to R bump twice to R (sit position) (6.00)
4,5¼ L turn step L fwd, ½ L turn step R back (9.00)
6&7step L back, step R next to L, step L fwd
&8lock R behind L, s tep L fwd
Side Rock Cross 2x, Twist ½ Turn 2x
1&2rock R to R, recover onto L, cross R over L
3&4rock L to L, recover onto R, cross L over R
5&6twist both heels ½ R turn,
7&8twist both heels ½ L turn (weight on R)
Rock Fwd Side, Behind side Cross, Rock Fwd Side, Sailor ½ R Turn
1&2&rock L fwd, recover onto R, rock L to L, recover onto R
3&4cross L behind R, step R to R, cross L over R
5&6&rock R fwd, recover onto L, rock R to R, recover onto L
7&8&sailor ½ R turn step R behind L, step L slightly L, step R to R, step L beside R (3.00)
Drag Step, Twist Heels, Side Chasse 2x
1-2long step R to R, drag & step L next to R
3&4twist heels to L-R-L
5&6step R to R, close L to R, step R to R,
7&8step L to L, close R to L, step L to L
Kick Ball Change 2x, Step Out Out In In, Running Step In Place
1&2kick R to R diagonal, step R beside L, step L slightly fwd
3&4kick R to R diagonal, step R b eside L, step L slightly fwd
5&6&step R out, step L out, step R back, step L beside R
7&8step R in place, step L in place, stomp R in place
Section B (32 counts)
Hop 3x Punch R Hand, Jump Apart & Cross
1~3both feet together hop to R 3 times
4jump feet apart (count 1~4 punch R hand up 4 times)
5-6jump cross R over L, jump apart,
7&8jump cross R over L, jump apart, jump cross R over L
Unwind 1/2L Turn, Applejack, Mashpotato
1-2unwind ½ L turn, hold (9.00)
&3lift L toe up & turn out while lift R heel up & turn in, return to center
&4lift R toe up & turn out while lift L heel up & turn in, return to center
&5swivel heels out, step R back & swivel heels in
&6swivel heels out, step L back & swivel heels in
&7swivel heels out, step R back & swivel heels in
&8swivel heels out, step L back & swivel heels in(weight on R)
Tap L 4x, Hip Bump 4x
1~4tap L beside R 4 times (traveling to L sid e & punch L hand up)
5~8step L to L bump hip to L 4 times (swing L hand up, swing L hand down, swing L hand up & up)
Shoulder Isolation, Step Together, Flick R-L Back, Coaster 1/4L
1~4shoulder isolation to R-L-R-Center and step L next to R
5&6flick R back, step R in place, flick L back
7&8¼ L step L back, step R next to L, step L fwd
TAg 1 (16 counts)
Dorothy Step, Step Swivel
12&step R diagonally fwd, lock L behind R, step R diagonally fwd
34&step L diagonally fwd, lock R behind L, step L diagonally fwd
5&6step R fwd, swivel heels out, swivel heels in
7&8step L fwd, swivel heels out, swivel heels in
Dorothy Step, Pivot 1/2 L
12&step R diagonally fwd, lock L behind R, step R diagonally fwd
34&step L diagonally fwd, lock R behind L, step L diagonally fwd
5~8step R fwd, pivot ½ L step on L, step R fwd, ½ L step on L
TAG 2 (4 counts)
1~4walk fwd R-L-R-L
1st RESTART dance up to 32 counts, RESTART Part A at 3.00 wall
2nd RESTART dance up to 44 counts (2 kick ball change), HOLD 2 counts, CONTINUE Part B
ENDING just do 4 dorathy step fwd and make a beautiful ending post
Enjoy your dance!


Choreographed by:Wendy Teh, Malaysia (Sep 10)
Music:Wouldn't Change A Thing by Joe Jonas ft Demi Lovato (CD: Camp Rock 2)
Descriptions:40 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance

Intro: 16 count (start on vocal)
Step L Fwd, Pivot 1/2L Turn, Step R Fwd, Pivot 3/4 R Turn, Cross Shuffle, 1 1/2 L Turn
1step L fwd
2&3step R fwd, pivot ½ L turn, step R fwd (6.00)
4&5step L fwd, pivot ¾ R turn, step L to L (3.00)
6&7cross R over L, step L to L, cross R over L
8&1½ L turn step on L, ½ L turn step R back, ½ L turn step L fwd (9.00)
Cross Side Rock, Cross Side Rock, Rock 1/2 R, 1/2 R Back Lock Step
2&3cross R over L, rock L to L, recover onto R
4&5cross L over R, rock R to R, recover onto L
6&7rock R fwd, recover onto L, ½ R turn step R fwd (3.00)
8&1½ R turn step L back, cross R over L, step L back (9.00)
Sailor 1/4R, Sway 3x, Rolling Full Turn, Cross Rock Side
2&3¼ R turn cross R behind L, step L slightly to L, step R to R (12.00)
4&5sway L-R-L
6&7¼ R turn step R fwd, ½ R turn step L back, ¼ R turn step R to R
8&1cross L over R, recover onto R, step L to L
Unwind Full Turn, Behind Side Cross, Rock Fwd, Full Turn R
2 3cross R over L, unwind full turn L, sweep L fr front to back
4&5cross L behind R, step R to R, cross L over R
On Wall 5 dance up to 28 count inc lude (&), then Restart from beginning
6 7rock R fwd, recover onto L
8&1½ R turn step R fwd, ½ L turn step L back, step R back
Step Fwd, Diagonal Kick, Unwind 3/4R, Cross Back Back, Cross Back Touch
2 3step L back, kick R diagonally softly
4 5touch R back, unwind ¾ R turn weight end on L (9.00)
6&7step R diagonally back, cross L over R, step R diagonally back
&8&step L diagonal back, cross R over L, touch L back
Enjoy your dance!


Choreographed by:Wendy Teh (Sept 08)
Music:Pop (Radio edit) by NSync (CD: Single)
Descriptions:32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance

Intro: 32 counts, start the dance on the hard beat (not on the vocal)
Crab Walk Step To Right, Hitch 1/4 Turn R, Swivel To Left, Push Hip Fwd
1&2Swivel both toes out (1), swivel R heel out L toe in (&), swivel R toe out L heel in
&3Swivel R heel out L toe in, swivel R toe out L heel in [pop both shoulder backward and recover, repeat movement] (end weight on R)
4Hitch L ¼ turn R
5&6Step L down and start swivel heels to L, toes to L, heels to L (moving to L) [shift shoulder down and up while swivel to L]
7 8Push hips fwd twice [weight on R]
Kick Back Twice, Brush Point, Body Roll
1 2Kick L backward twice
3&4Brush L fwd, step L in place, point R out
5&6Head and body roll to R (sit position weight on R)
&7&Roll body up
8Sharp head drop (Wall 6 ADD in TAG 1, Wall 8 ADD in TAG 2)
Funky Walk Back, Upper Body Roll, Hip Roll
1 2Funky step back R to R diagonal, funky step back L to L diagonal
3 4Tap R back to R diagonal (weight still on L), step R next to L
5 6Upper body roll start from R-Fwd-L-Bwd-R(counterclockwise)
7 8Hips roll a circle start from R (counterclockwise)
Tap, Step, Pivot ½ Turn L, Full Turn L
1&2Tap R fwd to R diagonal, lift R, step R fwd to R diagonal (place fists in front of chest, push R elbow up twice)
3&4Tap L fwd to L diagonal fwd, lift L, step L fwd to L diagonal (remain hands styling, push L elbow up twice)
5 6Step R fwd, pivot ½ turn L (swing head to L when turning)
7 8½ turn L step R back, ½ turn L step L fwd
TAG 1: Wall 6 AFTER 16 counts
1-5Body lean back and start to roll a big circle (counterclockwise)
TAG 2: Wall 8 after 16 counts
1-4Flick R hand up to R-L, flick both hands to side and Hold


Choreographed by:Judy Teh & Wendy Teh (Aug 08)
Music:Congratulations by Cliff Richard
Descriptions:1 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance

Sequence: A, B, A, B, A, Tag, Ending
Part A
CON – GRA – TU both hands spread out in front of chest to sides, start footwork with Lyrics LA (1) TIONS (2)
Section 1Step Out, Step In, Jazz Box
1 ~ 4step R fwd out, step L fwd out, step R back to centre, step L next to R
5 ~ 8cross R over L, step L diagonal back, step R to R, cross L over R
Section 2Rolling Full Turn, Kick Step 2x
1 ~ 4¼ R turn step R fwd, ½ R turn step L back, ¼ R turn step R to R, flick L behind R shin (figure 4) clicking fingers
5 ~ 8kick L, step L beside R, kick R, step R beside L
Section 3Step Out, Step In, Jazz Box
1 ~ 4step L fwd out, step R fwd out, step L back to centre, step R next to L
5 ~ 8cross L over R, step R diagonal back, step L to L, cross R over L
Section 4Rolling Full Turn, Kick Step 2x
1 ~ 4¼ L turn step L fwd, ½ L turn step R back, ¼ L turn step L to L, flick R behind L shin (figure 4) clicking fingers
5 ~ 8kick R, step R , kick L, step L
Part B
Section 5Toe Strut 4x, Kick, Step, Unwind ½ L Turn
1&2&3&4&¼ R turn R toe strut, L toe strut, R toe strut, L toe strut
(body slightly lean back, face facing 12.00)
5 6kick R fwd, step R back
7 8touch L back, unwind ½ L turn
Section 6Toe Strut 4x, Kick, Step, Unwind ¼ L Turn
1&2&3&4&R toe strut, L toe strut, R toe strut, L toe strut
(body slightly lean back, face facing 12.00)
5 6kick R fwd, step R back
7 8touch L back, unwind ¼ L turn
Section 7Shuffle Fwd, Pivot ½ L Turn, Jump Apart
1a2 3a4R shuffle fwd, L shuffle fwd (slightly detached)
5 6step R fwd, pivot ½ L turn
7 8step R fwd , pivot ½ L turn
Section 8Horse Shoe Walk ½ R Turn
1 ~ 4walk in the shape of a horseshoe back to front wall
5jump feet apart
Section 9Hip Bump (just follow music, no counts)
TAM ter-tam ter-tam TAM ter-tam ter-tam TAM
Bump hips L RL RL …
CLAP hands on the last TAM
Section 10Hip Bump Anti-clockwise
1 ~ 4hips bump back, bump R, bump fwd, bump L
(follow music to BOM,BOM…..)
TAG: Hold for 2 counts to start the TAG, music slow to fast….
Step, Hold, Together, Hold
1 ~ 4step R to R, hold, step L next to R, hold (hold hands with your neighbours)
5 6step R to R, kick L to R diagonal
7 8step L to L, kick R to L diagonal
Vine R, Kick Fwd, Vine L, Kick Fwd
1 ~ 4step R to R, step L behind R, step R to R, kick L to R diagonal
5 ~ 8step L to L, step R behind L, step L to L, kick R to L diagonal
2x Paddle L Turn, Pivot ½ L Turn, 2x Paddle R turn, Pivot ½ R turn
1&2&step R fwd, ¼ L turn on ball L, step R fwd, ¼ L turn on ball L
3&4step R fwd, pivot ½ L turn, step R fwd
5&6&step L fwd, ¼ R turn on ball R, step L fwd, ¼ R turn on ball R
7&8step L fwd, pivot ½ R turn, step L fwd
Ending: Only Part A's sec 1, sec 2 & sec 4 followed by Part B's sec 9 & sec 10.
Enjoy & Congratulations !


Choreographed by:Wendy Teh (June 07)
Music:Never Say Goodbye by Korean Drama Theme Song
Descriptions:Phrased wall - Intermediate level line dance

Sequence : A*, A, B, B, A, A*, B, B*, B, A
A* = dance up to 36 counts, omit last 4 counts and restart
B* = dance up to 30 counts,
add 2 counts TAG <> Then RESTART Part B again
PART A (40 counts)
1-2Touch R to R (weight on L), step R next to L (weight on R) [swing R arm fwd and bend R elbow]
3-4Touch L to L (weight on R), step L next to R (weight on L) [swing L arm fwd and bend L elbow]
5-6Hitch R knee to L diagonal, step R next to L [rise both arm 'V'shape]
7&8Hop to L side 3 times [flicking your hand at the side]
1&2&Kick R fwd, step R next to L, rock L back, recover onto R
3&4&Kick L fwd, step L next to R, rock R back, recover onto L
5-6R scruff, touch R out to R side (bend R leg)
7&8Isolate your head / shoulder to R-L, look to R side (sharp)
1-2Step R to R and R body roll, touch L next to R
3-4Step L to L and L body roll, touch R next to L
5-6Step R to R, cross touch L over R
7-8Step L down ¼ R turn , cross touch R over L
Picture a clock on the floor for this part. You will end at 6:00, moving to the Left
&1Step R to R, step L next to R (3.00)
&2Step R fwd to L diagonal , step L next to R (12.00)
&3Step R back to L diagonal, step L next to R (9.00)
&4Step R back to R diagonal, step L next to R (6.00)
5&6Shimmy to R, step L next to R
7&Press R to R with pull your R shoulder up, L shoulder up
8&Drop your R shoulder down, L shoulder down
1-4Cross R over L, step L back diagonal, step R to R ¼ R turn, step L next to R
[swing and bend elbow to R-L-R with body slightly bend fwd]
{wall 1 - RESTART Part A, OMIT last 4 counts}
{wall 6 - restart Part B, omit last 4 counts}
5-8Paddle point turn L - 4x (full circle) [flick your R hand]
PART B (40 counts)
1-2&Step R to R diagonal, lock L behind R, step R to R diagonal
3-4&Step L to L diagonal, lock R behind L, step L to L diagonal
5-6 Rcross rock fwd, recover onto L
7&8½ turn R step R fwd, ½ turn R step L back, ½ turn R step R fwd
Easy Optional:7&8 ½ R turn fwd shuffle
1-2&Rock fwd on L (11 o'clock), recover onto R, step L next to R
3-4&Rock fwd on R (1 o'clock), recover onto L
5-6Rock fwd on L, recover onto R
7&8Turning ¾ L turn shuffle L, R, L
1-2Rock R to R, recover onto L
3&4Cross R behind L, ¼ L turn step L fwd, ¼ L turn step R to R
5-6Point L out to L (bend R leg), hitch L
7&8½ L turn step L back, step R next to R, step L fwd
1-2Step R fwd, lock L behind R
3&4Lock step fwd R, L, R
5-6Step L fwd, full turn spiral to R on ball L
7-8Rock R fwd, recover onto L
TAG on wall 8: dance 1~6, add 2 counts tag (then RESTART Part B again)
1-2¼ R turn long step R to R, slide L to R [raise your R arm from the back and up to the ear]
&3&4Hip roll anti-clockwise twice
5-6½ R turn long step L to L, slide R to L [raise your L arm from the back and up to the ear]
7-8Hip bump to L twice (keep your weight on L)

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